Custom bookmarkers work well for all kinds of businesses as well as schools, libraries and book lovers. JIAN’s custom bookmarkers are made from premium metals including bronze, iron, stainless stain, or elastic steel, etc. Your custom logo can be printed or color filled on one side or both front and back sides. You can easily grab the users’ attention every time they sit down with their favorite books.
● Tillgängligt material: Brons, Järn, Koppar, Aluminium, Zinklegering, Rostfritt stål, Elastiskt stål, etc.
● Storlek: Anpassad storlek välkomnas.
● Pläteringsfärg: Guld, Silver, Brons, Nickel, Koppar, Rodium, Krom, Svart nickel, Färgning svart, Antikt guld, Antikt silver, Antikt koppar, Satin guld, Satin silver, färgfärger, dubbel pläteringsfärg, etc.
● Logotyp: Stämpling, etsad, gjutning, graverad eller tryckt på ena sidan eller dubbla sidor.
● Bifoga: Val av tillbehör till olika bokmärken.
● Packing: Bulk packing. Customized gift box packing or according to customer’s requirements.